
Writing Referral Letters for Gender-Affirming Healthcare

Letter Writing for Gender-Affirming Healthcare

From 9am ET until 11am ET

At Online - via Zoom

$ 45

If you have some experience in working with trans, non-binary clients, yet you feel unsure about how to go about writing the required mental health assessment letter for your clients to access gender-affirming care, this training is for you! This training is approved for 2 cultural competency CEC's through NASW/CT.

Clients seeking access to gender-affirming healthcare (including cross-hormone treatment and various surgical procedures) are typically required to get referral letters from mental health professionals.  Unfortunately, far too often, these individuals struggle with finding providers who feel comfortable writing these letters, which causes harmful barriers and delays in accessing affirming and life-saving treatment.  

Far too often, members of this community experience harmful gatekeeping in accessing the affirming and life-saving services they need as a result.

In this interactive webinar, you will be given the information you need to be able to provide a referral letter for gender-affirming healthcare, which will leave you feeling confident in providing this valuable service for your clients. In our time together, you will:

  • Understand the harms that gatekeeping creates for trans/non-binary clients experience in accessing gender-affirming treatment, and the the ways in which we can avoid replicating this in our own practices
  • Learn about the WPATH Standards of care, and understand how to navigate using the SOC in conjunction with insurance policies, physician's requirements to help write letters that will be successful in getting approvals for gender-affirming healthcare.
  • Up to date information about specific guidelines for clients with Husky/CT Medicaid insurance in accessing gender-affirming healthcare. 
  • Tips for advocacy with insurance companies in navigating denials for gender-affirming surgeries.

We will also have time for Q&A, to address your specific questions about how to apply this knowledge to your practice. 

Not only will you learn an incredibly important service to add to your practice, you'll also be supporting an important organization, Advocates for Trans Equality.  A portion of proceeds for this training will go to A4TE which fights for the legal and political rights of transgender people in America. 

Please register mindfully as no refunds will be issued. Payments must be received within 2 days of registration to hold your spot.  

This is a live webinar which is not being recorded. You are encouraged to bring any and all questions you have about this process to this training, or email me your specific questions before we meet. 

There are 11 people coming.

There are 9 places available.

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Writing Referral Letters for Gender-Affirming Healthcare

Letter Writing for Gender-Affirming Healthcare

From 6pm ET until 8pm ET

At Online - via Zoom

$ 45

If you have some experience in working with trans, non-binary clients, yet you feel unsure about how to go about writing the required mental health assessment letter for your clients to access gender-affirming care, this training is for you!   This training is approved for 2 cultural competency CEC's through NASW/CT

Clients seeking access to gender-affirming healthcare (including cross-hormone treatment and various surgical procedures) are typically required to get referral letters from mental health professionals.  Unfortunately, far too often, these individuals struggle with finding providers who feel comfortable writing these letters, which causes harmful barriers and delays in accessing affirming and life-saving treatment.  

Far too often, members of this community experience harmful gatekeeping in accessing the affirming and life-saving services they need as a result.

In this interactive webinar, you will be given the information you need to be able to provide a referral letter for gender-affirming healthcare, which will leave you feeling confident in providing this valuable service for your clients. In our time together, you will:

  • Understand the harms that gatekeeping creates for trans/non-binary clients experience in accessing gender-affirming treatment, and the the ways in which we can avoid replicating this in our own practices
  • Learn about the WPATH Standards of care, and understand how to navigate using the SOC in conjunction with insurance policies, physician's requirements to help write letters that will be successful in getting approvals for gender-affirming healthcare.
  • Up to date information about specific guidelines for clients with Husky/CT Medicaid insurance in accessing gender-affirming healthcare. 
  • Tips for advocacy with insurance companies in navigating denials for gender-affirming surgeries.

We will also have time for Q&A, to address your specific questions about how to apply this knowledge to your practice. 

Not only will you learn an incredibly important service to add to your practice, you'll also be supporting an important organization, Advocates for Trans Equality.  A portion of proceeds for this training will go to A4TE which fights for the legal and political rights of transgender people in America. 

Please register mindfully as no refunds will be issued. Payments must be received within 2 days of registration to hold your spot.  

This is a live webinar which is not being recorded. You are encouraged to bring any and all questions you have about this process to this training, or email me your specific questions before we meet. 

There are 3 people coming.

There are 17 places available.

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